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Did You know that Acne produced films before designing jeans? Learn all the surprising facts about this brand!


Acne was established in 1996 as a Swedish creative collective. Since then, the design process is still directed by founder and creative director Jonny Johansson.


The initial efforts led to work in, for example, various fields of advertising and graphic design as well as internet gaming and TV production. In the beginning most projects were done for external clients, but gradually internal projects developed into brands and companies in their own right. Today, apart from clothing, the creative Acne collective also consists of Acne Film (film production), Acne Digital (animations), Acne Advertising (advertising), Acne Art Department (design) and Acne Paper (bi-annual magazine).


Clothing design started out in 1997 with 100 pairs of jeans in raw denim with red stitching. The jeans were distributed mostly to friends and family. They soon became so popular that the company was contacted by several stores and boutiques to carry the brand. The first collection was launched in 1998. Acne is currently employing more than 150 people, of which approximately third are working in our Acne Studios (concept stores).


tl_files/moda zagraniczna/marki/ACNE - SZWEDZKI INDYWIDUALIZM/Acne Hamburg, Paris.jpg

fot. materiały prasowe (Acne Studio Hamburg, Acne Studio Paris)


Acne is the result of a fusion between jeans and fashion, being an exemplar of the Scandinavian design spirit. This Swedish brand unites innovative jeans styles with a versatile wardrobe for men and women, ranging from basic cotton t-shirts, to tailored jackets, not forgetting about accessories and shoes. In the creative process a great emphasis is put on materials and comfort as well as design. As following the founder’s philosophy, by designing simple, functional clothes, Acne aims to create a modern framework for individuality.


The first Acne Studio was established in central Stockholm in 2003. Until 2005 four more Studios were opened in the cities of Stockholm, Copenhagen and Berlin. Today it has its own shops/studios almost in all fashion capitals in Europe. In 2009 the brand was installed also in New York and Sydney. We can’t wait the day of opening the first Acne Studio in Warsaw.


tl_files/moda zagraniczna/marki/ACNE - SZWEDZKI INDYWIDUALIZM/Acne London, Berlin.jpg

fot. materiały prasowe (Acne Studio London, Acne Studio Berlin)


Apart from that, Acne is sold at more than 650 stores in 40 countries. Among the well known stores like that carry the collections are Harrods and Liberty in London, Colette and Le Bon Marché in Paris, Barney’s and Opening Ceremony in New York.


Acne has so far received six Swedish design awards, being the only one such fashion brand on the Swedish market. Both in 2000 and 2008 it was awarded the ELLE magazine’s ELLEN for Designer of the Year and in 2005 for Denim Designer of the Year. It was appreciated also by from the major Swedish fashion magazine Damernas Värld and two more in the meantime.


Let’s take a look on what they’ve done during those years of designing clothes!

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